Author Topic: Any advice is appreciated.  (Read 714 times)


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Any advice is appreciated.
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:29:21 PM »
Hi all

I've had mild depression for a long time now, but my major issue has been anxiety (Social anxiety disorder)

So I decided, at the age of 32, I'd start trying to change my life

I know the cause/reason behind my anxiety (Overweight), but I needed asisstance, so I was prescribed something called Lyrica (Pregabalin)

I figured if I could beat the anxiety, by a combination of seeing an anxiety specialist, a prescribed drug and weight loss, I could also get over depression.

Started taking it and within a week, I started noticing minor improvements in my anxiety, but that's when it started going down hill

I didn't notice it at first, but I started getting more and more depressed.

By the second week (that would be the sunday just passed), I was very depressed and have been having strong feelings about, well, ending my own life.

I stopped taking the drug on Sunday, but I still feel the same very low mood and suicidal thoughts throughout the day and I'm finding it very hard to deal with.

So I went to see my GP yesterday and he said I need to get out more and wait to see the anxiety specialist (First appointment is on the 8th of this month).

He didn't prescribe me anything to deal with the feelings I'm having right now and I just..I don't know, I don't honestly know if I can deal with this feeling for much longer.

I'm sitting here right now and it's like a feeling of despair, with a strong nauseous feeling in my stomach, almost like butterflies before a job interview.

Any advice or thoughts are appreciated.


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Re: Any advice is appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 03:28:02 PM »
Hi Adam

I'm on pregabalin for anxiety and it has really helped.  I've done a thread on it on the medication board.  Have you been on it long?

I understand your anxiety problems associated with weight,  it effects me also. 

You're taking the right steps though to improve your life.

All the best



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Re: Any advice is appreciated.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 03:49:47 PM »
Hiya, I was only on it for about 2 weeks tops, I know, it's not really enough time to get used to the effects, but I was seriously considering suicide on Sunday

I'm not sure why, but it's Friday now and I still feel the same way, my mind wanders and I think of all the thing in life I've missed out on and it just puts me back in that same situation and feeling all over again.


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Re: Any advice is appreciated.
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2012, 04:42:59 PM »
For those who are depressed, a question for you all

I notice when I look at my friends/families lives and how normal they are compared to mine (girlfriends/wifes, house, careers etc) I find myself feeling really envious/jealous and the feeling I get when like that, is a physical sickness feeling with what I'd describe as a hot flush on my skin and a nauseous feeling?

I know I shouldn't be feeling that way, but as soon as I'm not preoccupied with something else, I Get that feeling and it overwhelms me and makes me feel really bad all day.