Author Topic: Hoping to be in touch  (Read 8334 times)


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Hoping to be in touch
« on: October 19, 2013, 01:08:30 PM »
Hi, I'm Alys, in my 40s.  I have OCD, getting worse, I think, and not enough support anywhere.  Have depression, quite severe at times.  Do have short bursts of being on a "high."  Always followed by a very deep "low."  In the picture, I'm in my 20s with my 3 month old son, who very sadly died in Oct 2011.  Don't know where the time has gone.  OCD, in a way, is taking over.  Sometimes I want to live so much, It's unbelievable, but other times, I find living so hard.  Would really love to form some friendships and exchange thoughts ad feelings really.