Author Topic: Citalopram side effects  (Read 6280 times)


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Citalopram side effects
« on: January 01, 2014, 10:24:52 AM »
Hi everyone,

To cut a long story short I was involved in a car accident in July, which resulted in four months in hospital.  I am now home, and walking again.  I should be feeling on top of the world, but I am anxious all the time and, having suffered from depression in the past, recognised the signs that this was happening again. 

I also developed what I think is probably IBS, which is adding to the depression and anxiety.

My doctor first put me on paroxetine, but I got awful, morbid, thoughts and a really bad bout of diarrhoea, so he has changed it to Citalopram.  I still have more diarrhoea than before, and I know this can be one of the side effects of Citalopram. 

My question is:  Will this side effect ease as the Citalopram starts to take effect? 

I have read various posts that say that some of the other side effects wear off after a while, but I can't find anything that specifically mentions diarrhoea.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope someone can help.



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Re: Citalopram side effects
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 03:46:14 PM »
My husband suffers with IBS, as suffered with depression for many years and takes citalopram.  One problem he has suffered with long before he started that is diarrhea, it's not a continual problem these days as he has gradually improved his diet including eating less eggs and chocolate, and, not drinking so many fizzy drinks so it's more of an occasional problems.  I can't promise that the diarrhea will stop and only to persevere for a while longer but make sure that when you speak to your doctor about it.  As you know it can cause other health problems if the diarrhea doesn't stop.

I didn't have any side effects with citalipram, nor has my husband but from the other side of the coin it only helped for a few months which is why I stopped taking it.     


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Re: Citalopram side effects
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 01:17:21 PM »
Thank you Pip,

Like your husband I also suffered from diarrhoea before taking the Citalopram, but this only occurred once every few days, whereas now it is a daily occurrence, which is why I associate it with being a side effect of the Citalopram.  I am still hoping that it will settle down as my body gets used to taking the Citalopram.




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Re: Citalopram side effects
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 11:34:17 AM »
Hi Maddie,

It does sound as if everything is related: IBS, diarrhoea, anxiety etc.. Have you approached your GP about CBT for anxiety? If you're able to manage the anxiety you may find that your symptoms improve - Obviously there's no guarantee that they'll disappear but with a balanced diet (removing those foods that trigger IBS if you can) and an improved awareness of your anxiety you may find that beneficial.

I noticed you posted at the beginning of Jan - Have the symptoms improved any since then?

Good luck


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Re: Citalopram side effects
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 08:22:47 PM »
Hi rjs,

I started taking the Citalopram on boxing day, and felt much better in my mood until the 7th January, although I had daily 'loose' motions from day one of taking it.

Then, on the 7th January  I started to have really bad anxiety attacks.  I put up with these for two weeks (hoping that they were a side effect of the medication).  I then saw a psychiatrist who said he thought I was suffering from PTSD, and he gave me some anti-anxiety medication to take alongside the Citalopram. (The French healthcare system is somewhat different to that in the UK, and I was able to phone and ask for an appointment with no referral from my GP required).

I have been taking these for four days now, and my mood is much improved and the anxiety has largely gone.  However, I have not passed a motion since I started the new medication!  Again, I think this may be a side-effect, but I am playing a 'wait and see' game for the time being.

So, I am now taking: 20mg Citalopram each morning, 25mg Amitriptyline each night and 0.5mg Risperadone three times a day.  So far I am feeling so much better I cannot quite believe it, but I am aware that I seem to have a 'cyclic' theme to my moods - I can feel great for a few days or a couple of weeks, and then crash and burn for a few days or a couple of weeks.  I only hope that this medication combination has sorted me out now.  I think I still need to talk to a psychologist or counsellor in order to get my brain back to normal on a permanent basis, and am waiting to see if the psychiatrist I saw knows someone suitable.

Thanks for your help and advice,




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Re: Citalopram side effects
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2014, 08:25:09 PM »
Oh, I forgot to say, I have tried to cut lactulose from my diet, since I seem to feel worse after lots of tea (with milk), cheese and other dairy foods.  So far my tummy pains seem to have stopped, so I am persevering for the time being.
