Author Topic: Are you a parent with bipolar disorder?  (Read 9122 times)


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Are you a parent with bipolar disorder?
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:25:03 PM »
Are you a parent with bipolar disorder?

At the Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research, based at Lancaster University, we are currently running a study in the North West region called the ‘Integrated Bipolar Parenting Intervention’ (IBPI).

The study aims to develop and test a new web-based self-management intervention and involves receiving an online parenting support program combined with specific self-management strategies for bipolar disorder.

Parenting can be stressful in itself, coupled with more extreme mood fluctuations, parenting can become more challenging. As traditional parenting interventions do not necessarily address the needs of individuals with bipolar we are looking at bridging that gap and providing an avenue for effective evidence-based support to be accessible in your own home.

Our initial pilot study involving delivery of this online intervention showed significant improvements in both child behaviour and parenting skills.  We have since developed this package further and would like you to take part 

If you have a child between the ages of 3 – 10 years and are interested in participating in this research then please take a look at our website

Please contact Beverley Clack for more information;

Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research
Faculty of Health and Medicine
Lancaster University

Telephone:  01524 594935


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Re: Are you a parent with bipolar disorder?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 04:15:25 PM »