Music really could save the world, haha. When I was in College, I discovered a band that is little known in the UK called Blue October and after listening to them obsessively ended up seeing them live a few years later, it was amazing. The singer himself is bipolar and many of his songs have outspoken themes on depression and recovery, the lyrics and music are just wonderful, I'd certainly recommend you give them a try.
My favourite songs in particular are
HRSA, a song about sectioning (,
X Amount of Words... just listen, its incredible (
The Answers... (to depression) (
and Hate Me... a song about how we try and drive people away sometimes (
Sometimes I just lie in the dark, like I did 7 years ago, still listening to this music, along with other bands and artists. I think in my deepest, darkest hour, music was the only thing I could hold onto.
Is there any music that gets you through?