Thanks to "optogenetics" (a research technique developed in 2005, described as a method which has "revolutionized the fields of bioengineering and neuroscience") scientists are gradually able to understand better how the brain works. Today, they've announced that they have found the brain pathway that creates (or inhibits in the case of depression) motivation.
This shows two things 1) depressed people aren't lazy, biology of the brain shows their neuronic pathways related to motivation are not working properly 2) scientists are going to be able to use this to create new treatments in the future. (They have already been able to artificially create a surge in motivation in rodents by stimulating specific neurons, likewise, they've been able to replicate the effects of depression by stimulating other neurons which, once stimulated, create a distinct loss of motivation.)
Well done docs lol, I can't wait for the day when, like BBC last time with the meningitis vaccine, we get told about an instant cure for depression :)
The article is here: