This is me:
Wake feeling very anxious, tearful and panicky. Don't want to get up as I feel 'safe' in bed.
When I get up and I'm doing something, I feel marginally better.
Hypersensitive, take everything personally, feel immediately angry and upset if I feel someone has 'wronged' me, even though it might be something that is so trivial to someone else.
Loss of interest in my hobby, which I used to love - I have a beautiful horse, who is very talented, but I just don't want to do it anymore; but if I sell him, I'm scared it's because of my depression, and not because I genuinely want to give up my hobby. In some ways, it's good that I have him, because he relies on me, so I have to get up in the morning.
Hardly ever go out socially - would rather stay in. I often feel my depression relates to being lonely, but not socialising just makes this worse!
My house is a mess - I don't feel any pride or inclination to keep it neat and tidy.
I don't make the effort to look good for work - I used to always look presentable; now it is just too much effort.
General loss of confidence, even though I have achieved great things in the past in my job (Colleague of the Year) and with my horses (National Championships).
Every now and again, feeling that it would be much easier if I just didn't wake up in the morning.
Can anyone relate? Especially regarding the hobby issue - it's bothering me quite a bit, as horses have been my life and I feel my depression is robbing me of something very important to me.