Author Topic: Can't get my head straight.  (Read 1493 times)


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Can't get my head straight.
« on: November 13, 2012, 11:42:58 PM »
Hi everyone
I have suffered with depression since childhood.  I started medication (Fluoxetine) about 20 years ago, at first small doses which has gradually increased to a much higher dose.  In the past most of my depressive episodes have been unprovoked.  However, in June my fifth grandchild was born.  A lovely little lad. He was born with brain damage and club feet.  I have found it so difficult to cope with this.  I try to be strong for my lovely daughter but I just want to run away, hide and cry.  I thought things would get better but they are getting worse.  As he grows and it is apparent that he is going to have special needs I get so afraid for the future, for him and my daughter.  Now the hospital have said that my daughter has to have a brain scan to see if he has inherited his condition, apparently women can be carriers.  I am so upset and this is making everything else unbearable, I have no confidence and my paranoia is worse than ever before.  I spoke to my GP who upped my meds but I am not sure how I am going to cope.

I know that nobody has the answer but has anybody else had to deal with real life challenges and how did it affect their medical conditions?

Thanks for listening.