Other Depression & Anxiety Related Illneses > Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Anxious feelings noisy people, kids voices, traffic, supermarkets

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Hi, I have clinical moderate depression diagnosed two weeks ago and am on Citalopram. Already feeling bit better but struggle and have for last six months or so with people talking very loudly or laughing and the sound of kids yelling, playing drives me to the edge of stopping myself being rude to people. I become anxious and jittery in large supermarkets, people seem to be everywhere invading my space, even road traffic noises set me on edge. Does anyone else have this ?  :(

Supermarkets rate quite high in the ranks of places I don't like being unless they are quiet.  I get very anxious when they are busy as I feel 'crowded in' and people seem to stop in the middle of aisles and / or move slowly.  There have been occasions when I have had to either find a quieter area or have walked out.

Yes, yes and yes to all the above questions. I know exactly how you feel and I have felt this way for years now. Noise intrusion of that kind has put me on edge for years

Yes I also get these "I wish you would shut up" feelings all day.

I've felt like that this evening  >:( as I've been helping at a strawberries and BBQ event at church with stalls in the hall.  I was in charge of the bric-a-brac stall so couldn't escape it as it was so busy.  It didn't help that it was very hot which gave me a headache.  I'm deaf in my right ear so when people are talking it sounds like a babble of noise as it's hard to concentrate on one conversation.  Fortunately the people who know me knew to talk looking straight at me so I could hear them better.


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