Author Topic: Depression isn't sinful but don't use it to hide your sin!  (Read 7231 times)


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Depression isn't sinful but don't use it to hide your sin!
« on: September 09, 2009, 01:21:36 AM »
Just some of my own thoughts as a depressed Christian.

It's really easy to fall into the trap of feeling convicted of sin, confessing it, feeling that God can't or won't forgive you and so confessing it again and again.

We must remember the wonderful gift of God's grace to us and as long as forgiveness is sincerely and humbly sought, YOU ARE FORGIVEN, however awful, yucky and unworthy you feel. Try to accept it and praise God for it. I know this is mega-difficult when you're feeling really low - I find it very hard.

At the other extreme, try not to excuse yourself of bad, sinful thoughts, actions and behaviour on the grounds that 'I can't help it I'm depressed'.  If you find yourself convicted of sin, get it confessed, accept forgiveness and move on for a clean start.

I have been having a really tough couple of weeks with my depression and have behaved really badly towards people, particularly at work. Deep down, I knew this was wrong but kept thinking 'I'm entitled to behave like this because I'm depressed'.

Today, I have had to face the music at work about this and was really scared ( see General Forum). I became very convicted that I  was very much in sin and have confessed to God in prayer and had a really long talk with Him about it. I know my depression is real and difficult, but I know it's part of God's plan for me and Hewouldn't have put it in the plan if it compelled me to behave it a way that is against the example of Jesus. I have gone 'off plan' and that is sinful. Admitting this has given me a deep sense of peace and I know I am now closer to God.

I also know I have to go forward following Jesus' example and use the grace He gives to not 'backtrack' and continue to put right what I have done wrong, even though this will be embarassing and difficult.

Walking the fine line between not bashing yourself over the head because of your depression and not using it to cover up sin is not easy but with God's grace you can!

For more on this topic see 'A Practical Handbook For The Depressed Christian' by Dr. John Lockley, an excellent book.


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Re: Depression isn't sinful but don't use it to hide your sin!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 09:31:37 AM »
Sorry I "missed" this post.  I can't remember the first time I heard this but my husband and I both say it is easier for God to forgive us than it is for us to forgive ourselves.  God forgives us straight whereas I know I have "beaten myself up" over the years over different issues.