General > Medication

Olanzapine again

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Been taking the lowered (7.5mg instead of the 10mg I've been on for several years) dose of Olanzapine for 12 days now and I'm feeling better, less paranoid and not even a hint of psychosis since taking the lowered dose.  Is that weird or a-typical or normal please?

If I'd still been taking the 10mg I would have felt paranoid every day, verging on psychosis by the middle of the afternoon and absolutely no motivation at all.  None of that has happened at all since I've been taking the 7.5mg though and I achieved more in 5 hours this morning than I used to in several days combined on the 10mg!

I know it's an AP not an AD but I've definitely noticed an improvement in my mental health over the last week on top of the motivation, no mood swings, less impatient, not at all angry etc - is that to be expected or am I being a-typical with my meds as well as my depression please?

I know you can't give medical advice and I'll try to remember to talk to Brad (my prescribing CPN) about it at the start of July, I'm just after some peer thoughts and opinions while I remember is all.


Sorry, I've never been on that so can't comment.

Okey dokey, thank you Pip.  I was wrong about the appointment with Brad - it's at the end of July instead of the beginning so I'm almost guaranteed to forget by then lol

Oh I know what I'm like for forgetting appointments.  Rick gets text alerts for his and he was due to see the cardiac nurse today so I had to go online as we couldn't remember which surgery he had to go to - there are 3 surgeries.

It ended up being a nightmare of a day as the cardiac nurse was concerned about Rick's angina.  He did tell her we have been very stressed for months, he loses his temper quickly, mood is very low and is feeling down about hearing loss - it's an 8 week wait for hearing aids from the day he had a hearing test.

About an hour after that appointment Rick had to go to one of the other surgeries as the cardiac nurse arranged that.  An ECG test was done by one of the nurses then he saw one of the doctors.  She was concerned enough to make arrangements for Rick at Darlington Memorial Hospital.  End result is Rick has been told to keep calm, his medication is being tweaked and will be having a follow up appointment.

I was getting confuzzled between the ultrasound appointment (4th July) and the CPN (26th July) lol

It sounds like your surgery is like Steve's - 3 surgeries in one building but all merged together?  Steve's surgery struggled to get a single star in our City and County Councillor and he foolishly asked for comments from other people about it.  Steve struggled to give the surgery a single star in his review too lol


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