General > Medication

Stopping Citalopram?

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Too right, Lost, Steve phoned the pharmacy first thing and they said to call my GP about it, which the paranoid pandora did straight away.

My GP phoned as soon as they re-opened after lunch and he was fine with me stopping it suddenly, but warned that I "might feel woozy for a while" as my body re-adjusts as that's when most people think their black cloud is back so they return to taking it, but if I'm gentle with myself on those days and I convince myself that it's not forever, I'll be right as rain in a few months and taking one less pill a day too.

I haven't taken it for 5 days now and honestly don't feel any different yet... I'm not on cloud 9 or anything, but the black cloud hasn't returned with heavy rain either... just gotta remember to take me multi at the very least every day and have the B12 oral spray close at hand just in case!

Might be worth asking to have your vitamin levels checked 'cos that first B12 jab was awesome for my mood!

Yes I think just looking after yourself more, is more effective:

1. Eat healthily
2. Exercise every day if possible
3. Get enough hours sleep (7 at least)
4. B12 is probably a good idea if you don't take enough of it

The withdrawal symptoms of Escitalopram were not pleasant (understatement).  Headache, irritability, bad stomach later on (that was delightful btw).. couldn't think straight. It depends on the individual, he/she might have less side effects.

Our diet isn't as bad as it used to be (at least one take-away a day and any leftovers for breakfast the next morning).

Exercise is the best free mood booster!  It doesn't have to be far, just up and down your street walks every day but our moods lifted so much since we've had our pup, purely because we are taking her out for walks every day!

I used to sleep for 12 hours and be groggy all the next day - not since stopping the Citalopram though!

Even if you dose yourself up to the eyeballs with B12 from food and stuff, the oral spray is an almost instant pick-me-up whenever you need it.

I just hope the wooziness doesn't involve throwing up for me - I hate being sick with a passion... I can deal with nausea by drinking ginger beer or eating crystalised ginger... it really is just the throwing up that I can't stand!

Day 6 is going well so far too, thankfully!

Good.  Hopefully you'll be able to come off the things.

I didn't feel any different after stopping citalopram even after several months so it obviously wasnt helping/


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