Health and Wellness > Benefits and Work

Just had me PIP renewal form through the door...

<< < (2/2)

They seem to like rejecting claims and only approving them if you go to a tribunal!

I hope neither of us has to battle against the Benefits Agency for the money we need... doubt it'll be made easy for us though   :bash:

The CAB lady came at lunchtime today and in just 2 questions (1 in the care and the other in mobility) I'm, in theory, entitled to the basic rate of both!  I've signed the form and she's taken it away with her along with Steve's supporting document, to work on then send to the Benefits Agency 'cos it's due in next week.  I'm hoping that I'll get higher mobility and hopefully higher care because it's not safe for me to be left alone and my mobility is so bad that I can't walk past our neighbours on either side.

Keep yer fingers crossed for me!   :happy0064:

I will do  :crazy:

Thank you Pip!


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