Author Topic: Hiya everyone, Manic depressive here :)  (Read 2192 times)


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Hiya everyone, Manic depressive here :)
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:48:40 PM »
Hiya everyone, im so glad i found these forums. Ill try not to blabber so here goes. 6 Years ago i was diagnosed with manic depression, had a year off work, never returned to the job as i felt guilty about having the time off. Was bouncing between jobs for 2 years after then my mum (whos disabled) divorced my dad and i became her carer, which i love doing. Before that i had just got out of a long relationship and then had a string of bad relationships shortly after, ive been with my present partner nearly 3 yrs, theres nothing wrong with our relationship. My behaviour in general is a issue, I worry constantly, i cry randomly (which looks weird from a 22 stone lad, trust me), i am constantly feeling like im being watched and surveyed upon, like im going to lose eveything. We have had some major money issues in the past (bad loans etc),ive never been in trouble with the police yet i feel like im going to get arrested and jailed all the time.I cant sleep but then when i do fall i dont want to get up again.I take everything everyone  says to me so serioues, normally getting upset by it. I'll admit ive contemplated suicide, but never tried it. My only escape is driving its the only time i feel free and not in this state. Yet it's the way ive thought about dyeing, doing the one thing i enjoy. I darent tell my doctor as i dont want him to take my licence away. Ive recently got a new locum doctor who is excellent but all his referalls have really led to nothing, im on a waiting list but the woman who did the telephone consultation said she couldnt tell me what for. I came off fluoxetine 4 years ago and they wont give me anything else, i did a beating the blues course which helped for a short while but then just stopped. Im driving my mum and fiance wild i know i am, i hate being this person. Im going back to the doctors tommorow to see what else can be done. Sorry for the rant. Jbrookshaw

Lil Miss Lost

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Re: Hiya everyone, Manic depressive here :)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 11:28:03 AM »
Hiya JBrookshaw, How did you get on at the doctors? Hope they helped you out and gave you some ideas of what to try, are you on any medication at all now? I see you came off of fluoxetine quite a while ago, i really think they should be doing a bit more to help you, i can relate to the way you are feeling although so far iv only been diagnosed with anxiety and general depression, i also have a wonderful partner but its my behaviour thats the problem, if ever you need a chat im on here a bit more lately so message away :)