Depression - Road to Recovery > One Step At A Time

Studying again

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Just completed my 5th course in 9 days and I've now got 4 diploma's and a certificate under my belt with another 3 certificates planned for the weekend and Tuesday.

Steve (the hubby and carer) reckons I should do the safeguarding children course next. The nursery assistant one should hopefully be a breeze 'cos I'm already qualified to do it, but I want to update my skills and knowledge just to keep myself current and the mental wellbeing in children will just be in addition to the child psychology courses I've already taken and purely out of interest so I'm gonna do that one last.

I know now that for end of course tests I should NOT revise anything and just go with my first instinct. I also know that I won't be able to take any more OU courses 'cos my brain damage means that courses that last longer than 40 hours (including time I'm asleep) are pointless 'cos I'll never remember what I learnt and my instincts will desert me too 😔

Not letting that get me down too much though... there are other courses that I can study that are under the 40 hour time limit so I'll just take those instead 🙂

Logging off for the night now though so that I can put my celebratory burger on the table now that it's been delivered.

Safeguarding courses are always useful ones to do  :happy0064:

Definitely Pip!

Gonna do the Diploma in Mental Health Studies after I've had me lunch and hope I pass it 'cos it's on a different site and I can't remember how they work now!   :bash:

I've got another 3 free courses that I want to do after that and I'm hoping I'll get another "congrats on finishing your course, how about even more huge discounts on more?" type email, like I did yesterday lol  I've done 6 courses with them that cost me less in total than just one of their full-priced courses so I'm hoping for another marketing email with even more discounts either tonight or tomorrow lol


I passed the course!!!!

I thought I had another 3 modules to study before the end of course assessment so getting thrown into it was a big surprise, but I did it in 7 hours instead of the 10-15 it said!

Gonna celebrate with chocolate (of course lol) then head to bed with a big smile on my face!

Passed another course last night - one down, sixteen to go lol


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